The farming year

Early lambs have to be kept inside awaiting the sunshine

The busiest part of the year starts with lambing around end of March to the end of April, this year we may still have ewes to lamb in May .This is possibly the most important event of our farming year. The bulk of the ewes will have their lambs in a three week period and during this time David tries to keep his eye on them around the clock. Hence he spends most nights checking them every few hours. The sheep are brought down from the hill to the fields near the house where they are close at hand, and then brought into the Sheep house ready for lambing, and can be fed hay and minerals. The ewes were scanned earlier in the year so we can feed according to how many lambs the ewes are having.


Lambs are, far the, best things about Spring.


Guests at this time of year enjoy seeing the lambs been born and getting involved helping with feeding etc.

  Most ewes are capable of producing their lambs without any help from David but there are some which get into difficulties, and need help from David which can mean the difference between life and death..  

  After the lamb is born the ewe and lamb are placed in a small pen for a few days so that they get properly acquainted, and check the lambs are feeding well. We have cade lambs which need to be fed for various reasons four times a day.






We use a system of spraying numbers on the sheep in various colours so we can match the lambs, and ewes in the fields. Once in the fields the flock need to be shepherded every day to ensure all is well with the ewes and lambs.

  As spring turns to slowly into summer David starts to plan for shearing time. However, before this happens we have to silage. 







Mum and lambs numbered so that we can keep track of them

David spend a lot of time checking weather forcasts this time of year waiting for good weather to enable us to turn the new mums out into the fields.


David bottle feeding a lamb

Riding House Farm Cottages,


Hope Valley,


S33 8WB

Tel 01433 620257



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